
Domino’s is an American pizza chain with a reputation for speed and service. Its stores feature a bright, modern interior with clean lines and open seating. The company also sells appetizers, pasta, and cakes. Its main competitors include Pizza Hut and Papa John’s. Domino’s has a large social media presence and offers online ordering. The company is a Fortune 500 company and is headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Oakbrook, Illinois.

Dominos has a long list of core values, but it focuses on one in particular: “Champion Our Customers.” The chain’s CEO, Dominick DeLorenzo, promotes this value by listening to customer feedback and addressing complaints as they come up. This line of communication extends to employees as well. Domino’s employees are encouraged to share their thoughts and concerns with management, and the company has a formal process for reviewing employee performance.

The Domino Effect: The Power of Habit

When you’re trying to build a new habit, the key is consistency. You need to practice the action frequently enough to form a routine, and it needs to be an activity that you enjoy. A small, manageable goal is a good way to start. Eventually, the actions will add up to bigger results. It’s important to remember that it can take a while before you notice results from your hard work. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results, but stick with it.

In the game of domino, each piece is a rectangular shape with a line down the middle that divides it into two square ends with different identifying marks. These marks are called pips and usually consist of an arrangement of dots. Each end may also have a blank or identically patterned side. Depending on its markings, a domino has a certain value—for example, the highest value is a double six. Dominoes can be used to play many games, most of which are based on blocking and scoring.

The way that a domino is placed is part of the fun. A domino must be played to a matching tile, and the tile must touch each other completely (except for doubles). The next domino may then be played to any of the matching sides, but it must be perpendicular to the first one. This causes the chain to develop a “snake-line” pattern.

A domino has potential energy, a kind of stored energy based on its position. When a domino is standing upright, gravity pulls on it and causes it to shift slightly. This slight movement has the potential to tip other dominoes over, creating a chain reaction.

Hevesh has worked on team projects that involved thousands of dominoes, but she still finds that the best way to describe it is with the phrase, “a little nudge can lead to a massive change.” This is because, when a domino is pushed over, much of its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, or the energy of motion. This energy then triggers the next domino to topple, and the rest of the chain follows.