A domino is a small tile marked with numbers that can be stacked on end to form long lines. When one is tipped, it causes the next domino in line to tip over and so on. This gives rise to the term “domino effect,” which refers to a chain reaction that results in greater–and sometimes catastrophic–consequences.
Dominoes can be made in many shapes and colors. They can be molded or drilled, or even cut to shape with a saw. Typically, a domino has a front and back, and it is marked with spots, or pips, that correspond to the number on the other side. The spots are either black or white. Most sets are made of wood, although some are of plastic or other materials.
Once a set of dominoes is arranged, players can create complex patterns and structures. Some use straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures, stacked walls, or 3D structures such as towers and pyramids. Creating these designs requires careful planning. Similarly, good business plans can help guide your company and create opportunities for growth.
To make a great domino layout, the most important step is to prioritize tasks. This helps to ensure that the most important projects receive your full attention until they are completed. If a key project is neglected, the impact will be felt by everyone in your organization. The most successful people know how to pick the right dominoes to knock over. This means identifying the most critical projects, giving them your full attention until they are finished, and then using the momentum gained from these accomplishments to accomplish more.
In the past, a new CEO at Domino’s had to work hard to improve the company’s image. His solution was to focus on the things that mattered most to customers and employees. He reorganized the company, implemented new training programs, and spoke with workers to hear what they had to say. These changes may have sounded counterintuitive, but they helped the company move forward and prosper.
Domino’s CEO, Tony Thompson, has taken a similar approach to his work as well. His goal is to make sure the company has the tools it needs to succeed, and he’s been working hard to keep Domino’s competitive. He’s also focused on innovation and technology, which has led to new ways for Domino’s to deliver pizzas.
The domino game has several variations but generally players begin with a large set of tiles and take turns picking two or more of them. When a player can’t play, they pass their turn and the next person takes a turn if there is a domino available to them. If no one can take a turn, the dominoes are shuffled and placed in a row called the boneyard. Once a doublet is played, the remaining four dominoes must be played adjacent to that point to form a cross. Eventually the dominoes will fall in a snake-line pattern. The winner is the partner whose combined sum of all spots on their remaining dominoes is the least.